Tuesday, June 3, 2014

bid sarai earn koron

Bid sarai earn koron per hour $1 to 2$
it is survey work.
you can do uk,usa, au, fr and ca survey.
per survey 50 cent to $1  
(10 survey per day )

setup fee 10000/- taka

advance: 50%

suport fee: your income 10% per month
payment method: master card, paypal, western union, check
payment per month. ( but 1st payment 30 days late for 1st month income).
you need ip hide software and licence key.
first month we provide you.
skill: creat backlink, google search
if r u interest, then call me: 01781048947 / 01620930898 (10 am to 6 pm)
please do not call after 6 pm.
skype: sultansujon

Thursday, May 1, 2014

damo work

we give you  a site which add survey.
when you conect a uk ip,
brouse open your site,
then you will like, this same site..

here u can see some survey link,
you click a survey link,
then a new page open..., like this...

fill up this forum, then click here..

fill up this forum, then click here...

fill up this forum, then click here

wait 2-3 minites......
when a massage come, then you go to your site atometically...

you click ok botun,

now your survey is complete
you will stay 5 minites your site.
then you close your brouser.

now a new ip conect, and start again...